Learning to sing or play a musical instrument can enrich your child's life, encourage better performance at school, and strengthen their ability to communicate with confidence.
Our Queens location hosts a diverse group of students exploring a wide variety of musical styles and instruments. With over 30 engaging instructors, recording and rehearsal spaces, mini-concerts each month, and many concerts a year in our in-house venue, our students get a real sense of what is possible and are given the tools and direction needed to reach their goals. Our beautiful, high end musician's paradise is just around the corner!

If you have more than one student (such as for a household), you can create multiple profiles. Please sign up, and you will be prompted to create your profiles when you first log in.
If you want to add a new profile to an existing account, please do so from your account dashboard.
Once you create your account, book your first consultation or, if you like, call (718) 454-0100 to speak with a desk agent.
All Real Brave accounts hold scheduling information, payment history and most importantly our unique practice suite where you can see everything you need to work on & your progress.